
I count myself incredibly lucky that I grew up in an age where I was expected to be outside playing all day, every day as a child. Growing up with my friends on Tybee Island, we spent our days out fishing, making mud slides in the marshes, rope swings in hammocks, and as much time swimming in the creeks as we possibly could. When my parents started Lazaretto Creek Marina, we got involved in the Tybee Beautification Association, participating in regular cleanups of the beaches and waterways around our island. It didn’t take long for me to discover just how careless many folks could be about our environment. I picked out POUNDS of cigarette butts, underwear (yes, more than one, gross), shoes, socks, left behind beach toys, bottle caps, straws and so much more. For the rest of my life, I could hardly ever walk past litter without picking it up.

When I became a mom, I began instilling in my son the love for the outdoors as soon as he was born. We would sit outside and listen to the sounds on the back porch, go for hikes at our local county and state parks. When he could walk, I had him help me pick up trash on our outings, hoping he would pick up the habits my parents had taught me. He joined Scouts in first grade, and took me with him, so I in turn had to be sure we were sharing those lessons with them, too, which is what I’ve done for the last nine years.

My hope with this trust is to grow the number of youth I’m able to serve, as well as to recruit other leaders to join the efforts. We need to teach them so they can take up as stewards and in turn teach those coming up behind them.



  • Leave No Trace Level 1 Trainer
  • Guy Harvey Foundation Conservation Educator
  • Youth Mental Health First Aid Instructor
  • Scouting America National Camp School Aquatics Instructor
  • Scouting America National Camp School Camp Director & Short Term Camp Administrator


Formal Education

  • Associate of Arts in communication arts, photography, and history – Andrew College, Cuthbert, GA
  • Bachelor of General Studies in printing management, communication arts, and Southern studies – Georgia Southern University, Statesboro, GA
  • Bachelor of Professional Studies in humane leadership – Duquesne University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Master of Arts in public relations – Kent State University, Kent, Ohio



  • Georgia Association of Marine Educators
  • Environmental Education Alliance of Georgia
  • Association of Outdoor Recreation and Education